Maximalist Styling
2019 have been a year of maximalist dressing and the same trend will carry forward in 2020. Dressing up as a maximalist needs a lot of confidence to do so. You can turn heads when wearing maximalist. It means going all in with your colors prints the look need to be loud. This type of look has everything exaggerated the belief and concept behind this theme is bigger the better, the more extreme the more better.
Tips To Style:
All in with colors

Color blocking is an easier way if you want to carry on maximalist styling. Also, if you don’t want to go overboard on the maximalist look this is the best way to go forward. To give your color look a twist you can always add an add on texture to your outfit. This look is most spotted in street style or during concerts. This look is more of a day look then night look.

All in with Print

This type of look consist mixture of prints. you can experiment a lot with print on print look. If you don’t want to go all in with the look or want to keep it a little subtle rather than going for louder print and colors you can go little softer on either of the sectors. The most spotted prints in this look is animal print which is in trend lately.

All in with Accessories

This type of look does not necessarily mean you need to go all in with the dressing but you need to go all in with accessories. Lately people are most spotted going heavy on the accessories rather then dressing. Going all in with dressing and accessories leads to a very bold and loud look where one needs to have confidence to carry on this type of the look. Gone are those days when there were only a minimal options for accessories. Now a days types and varieties of accessories have have increased. Also accessories is not just limited to to what purpose it serves people are also experimenting with varies style they can style it with.
Kids carrying on the trend

OMG…!!! Kids too have taken over the fashion industry lately. All the styles followed by the elder ones are re followed by the younger generations. Gone are those days when kids used to dress simply parents these days are also experimenting more with kid’s styles. From prints to colors to textures everything is greatly and efficiently carried out by the kids.

At a high risk

This type of look can make you go from OHHH WOW…!!! to OHH GOD WHAT A DISASTER IS THIS…!!!!! This type of looks means thinking out of the box with your style. This type of look needs a great amount of courage and confidence. It is all about how different you can think about and how well you can carry on this look. This looks are the combination of both the factors.
Celebrity Checklist
Celebrities have done a great job in influencing people to carry on this maximalist style. From Actor Actress to Bloggers to Influencer are spotted carrying around this style effectively and efficiently. From Runways to Roadways somewhere or the other this trend is spotted and carried forward.