10 Ways to avoid impulse buying

Haven’t we all been there? The moment where you feel an unimaginable pull towards the newest pair of shoes of your favorite brand even though it is way out of your budget scale? You shouldn’t even be looking at it but the next thing you know, you’re already at the cashier. Thus, resulting in an impulse buy.

Though momentarily fun, the lightweight of your wallet says otherwise. There is not one person who hasn’t regretted an impulse buy later and if it is such a common issue, we need to find some solutions. Here are a few ways to avoid impulse buying.

  1. Plan your money: Arbitrary sprees on the internet or to the mall are a prime reason for low bank balance. One way is to really plan on how to spend your money. This will keep you updated on how much you need to save for the coming month or if you have a surplus you can splurge with. Set monthly goals and make buying lists. Plan a proper budget overall.
  2. Calculate against time/ work: If you know how many hours/ days you will have to put in at work in order to be able to afford something, you are less likely to spend for it. A big purchase especially deserves such a think through.
  3. Unsubscribe from a bunch of email lists: Constant updates on the latest trends or ongoing sales will unnecessarily tempt you to buy. The aim of these lists is to bait you into purchasing their brand. Don’t sign up to any memberships or early-buy plans that they redirect you to with their frequent emails. These are a trap.
  4. Don’t window shop/ therapy shop: Nonchalant scrolling on online websites or mall plans when you are emotional is a dangerous feat. Stores often set up sales during holidays to lure in free-minded souls. Window shopping does engage you but also empties your wallet just as fast.
  5. Choose your companions carefully: Some people end up spending more if they are alone and there is no one to stop them. Similarly, some go with the flow and buy more among a group of friends. Take along a wise decision maker. They will refrain you from splurging and you will buy only what you need when you are with them.
  6. Limit your cash/ card: When you have a large amount of cash or multiple credit cards with you while you shop, you will obviously spend recklessly. Knowing your budget and buying list and only carrying enough money to acquire them will result in a successful shopping time without running you dry.
  7. Disable one-click buy: This is another trick many online retailers have used to not let the customers ponder too much while shopping. If you go through a series of steps before purchasing, it will give you time to rethink your decision of buying something.
  8. Buy returnable stuff: We often end up buying things on a whim. Especially while online shopping, there are multiple items appealing to you but when you actually try them on, they don’t look just the way you imagined! Returnable stuff will give you the chance to save your money if you are likely to reinstate something.
  9. Research your stores: Reading reviews before visiting any shop will aid you in multiple ways. You will go there with a goal in your mind and if you stick to it, you will not waste a single penny. Overlooking beforehand will desist you from window shopping too.
  10. Spend on others: Giving away or buying for people in need will help you to rethink your choices. It is also better than wasting your money on stuff you don’t need and regret later on.

We’re sure if you employ some of these, you’ll end up thanking us after all!

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