Getting dressed is a task that most women take for granted. Everyone is busy with their schedule and therefore women do not get the time to look over themselves. They get up, look in their closet and pick up an outfit that they find at first sight and wear it. This random choice narrowing your fashion preference makes you look good or bad.

What you wear is very important as it not only represents your personality but also your behavior. Women active in social life and who are business savvy know very well the importance of dressing well considering how much difference their sartorial preferences make in creating a decent impression.

When you dress carefully you feel more confident and poised that gathers the required attention and aura. Knowing how to choose an outfit is very important as it helps you to portray the image that you want to showcase. Here are some of the tips/hacks that will help you build an outfit from scratch. Even if you run out of clothes in your closet and get bored of wearing the same old clothes, the following simple and cool outfit tips will save your image; be it a business meeting or party or family celebration.

Pick your choice: The first thing you need to do is start with choosing a fabric. Any fabric can be used for a dress. If you are a beginner and are new in sewing you can start with choosing a simple and natural fabric which would be easy to sew because choosing a heavy fabric as a beginner will not give you desirable results. The second thing you can do is to wash the fabric and iron it as it will remove all the wrinkles and make the fabric soft so that it is easy to sew.

Style it yourself
How to build an outfit

Selecting and choosing a pattern which is in trend is recommended as it will not only give you a classy look but will also fit well with your body shape.

Measure it right

This is the most important step because taking proper measurements will help you look good. You can take the measurements by using a soft tape. You can make changes for example, the total length of your dress as per your preference.

Make it into halves

Lay your fabric flat and place your pattern over the top. Follow your traced lines and the guide to cut out your fabric in the matching shapes. Cut along the line, and unfold the fabric to expose a complete front of your dress. You need to add ½ inch of extra fabric around the edges of the dress for seam allowances. You can even add sleeves to your dress if needed; these will need to be cut as separate pieces from the body of the dress. Cut your dress fabric and then sew your sleeves later.

Give it a try

Follow the sewing directions on your pattern. You always need to sew the sides first and then turn your fabric inside-out and fold ¼ of an inch over on either side, you can even use an iron for flattening it if needed. For sewing the front and back, you can use zigzag stitch.

Sew the neckline all by yourself

You can sew neckline as per you preference but for beginners it is recommended that you go for a simple neckline, and for that you need to fold over ¼ inch of fabric along the edge and iron it flat. You can also use a straight stitch along the collar to sew the edges and you can adjust how deep the neckline plunges by measuring the distance from your waist to the desired area on your bust, and adjusting your fabric accordingly.


Once you are done with the neckline you need to fold over ¼ inch of fabric on the bottom of the dress and iron it flat and secure the ends and keep them unraveled by using a serger and use a straight stitch to attach the folded edge to the bottom of the dress.

Ready to rock

You can add a zipper if you want to the side or back of your dress to allow for easier opening/closure. You can also choose to add a lace overlay, ruffles, trim, or beading to your dress for an added touch.

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